PinnedWhat You Need To Know About The Aging Narcissist.As narcissists age, they face realities that no amount of denial can completely smother.Nov 14, 20225Nov 14, 20225
PinnedUnmasking The Female AbuserNarcissists are capable of intricate facades and carefully crafted lies no matter their gender.Oct 8, 202222Oct 8, 202222
PinnedHow To Get The Truth From a NarcissistNarcissists live in a carefully constructed fake world and will use many manipulation techniques to keep you from seeking the truth.Aug 9, 20228Aug 9, 20228
PinnedEarly Warning Signs You’re With a Narcissist.In real life, the most dangerous snakes do not advertise their malevolence.May 23, 20222May 23, 20222
PinnedBreadcrumbing is Emotional AbuseA breadcrumbers tactics are much more damaging than you might think.Mar 26, 202218Mar 26, 202218
Your Past Will Be Weaponized Against You.Everything you say can and will be used against you by the narcissist.Dec 18, 2024Dec 18, 2024
Why The Narcissist Expects You To Be a Mind Reader.Narcissists have the expectation that you should prioritize their needs, thoughts, feelings and emotions over your ownDec 16, 20242Dec 16, 20242
The Self-Aware Narcissist is Still a Narcissist.The Self-aware Narcissist is Still a Narcissist Dec 12, 2024Dec 12, 2024
Never Date a Narcissist AgainIt is important to be aware of the early signs that the person you are dating could be a narcissist. Learn to spot the red flags.Nov 28, 20232Nov 28, 20232
I Fell in Love With a Vulnerable NarcissistIn stark contrast to the grandiose narcissist, a vulnerable narcissist has low self-esteem, is extremely self-conscious, tends to be…Nov 3, 20236Nov 3, 20236