Another femminist making this case about gender and pusing the narrative that if you're an addict you're also an abuser. You have actually twisted the entire situation which I find astonishing!. AMBER is the abuser!!! I am a survivor and millions of us can see this. We are genuinlily confused with women supporting AH simply because we have vaginas.. And when this is pointed out and you are presented with the facts..(Ambers own words). "You made me do this!" or my favorite "I didn't punch you I hit you!", you resort to gaslighting BS, telling us were are all crazy and fan struck for JD. This is about Abuse! NOT Jack Sparrow but the human being behind the character JD plays. Abuse knows no gender. Quit insulting true survivors intelligence! Dismantle the cognative dissonance and accept that pretty white women can be abusers and men can be victims of DV as well!