How Narcissists Gaslight Themselves
The narcissist has been building upon their self-distorted thoughts long before they met you.
We all know narcissists' gaslight. They want you in a state of confusion. They want you to question what is real. They want you to believe there is something in the way that you view life that is wrong. They create a feeling of distortion in which you don’t know what reality is.
The truth is, that before they gaslight you, they’ve already been gaslighting themselves.
Narcissists are delusional. After all, it takes a lot of rationalization on their part to actually think it’s OK to chronically criticize others, to lie, to seek control through coercion and aggression, and to rage and scream when something doesn’t go your way.
They lie to themselves constantly that they have a good reason for doing all of those things. It is always someone else's fault that they just can’t be successful in life.
Usually, you are the person they blame. You’re told, that you’re the selfish and defensive one when you push back against their unreasonable double standards and sense of entitlement.
They seek to make everything all about you when in reality its’ much bigger than that. They are unwilling to own all the maladaptive…