Narcissists’ Refuse to Resolve Conflict

Toxic people like narcissists and sociopaths never tire of pointless arguments and emotional temper tantrums.

Candace Ranee
4 min readApr 4, 2022
Image by, Shutterstock

Narcissists do not want to resolve conflict. They love drama and thoroughly enjoy keeping you emotionally drained and exhausted. If you have had any experience with narcissists, you know that your needs are unimportant to them and that your purpose is to serve only their selfish interests.

One of those main interests is CONFLICT.

Narcissists do not have whole object relations. They are unable to comprehend that although you might argue with your partner and feel indignant or hurt, you also have warm feelings of love and compassion for them and you desire to resolve the problem to preserve the relationship.

You most likely do not even know what you have done wrong in the narcissists' eyes. However, whatever action, inaction, silence, or the simple fulfillment of your own needs, will have mortally wounded the narcissist. Their perceived injury is so deep, that all they can think about is causing you even more harm in retaliation.

Narcissists have ZERO capacity to understand that you may also be hurt.



Candace Ranee

Candace studied Sociology at Bowling Green State University. She is a writer and a DV Survivor