Recognizing The Collapsed Narcissist

Narcissists cannot cope with unmet needs and will become hysterical, volatile, or rageful towards themselves or others.

Candace Ranee
4 min readJun 14, 2022
Image by, Gettyimages

When a narcissist is unable to have something they want they will become unhinged because of it. If you are familiar with the horrors of living with a narcissist you will understand this phenomenon very well.

Narcissists look down on other people to maintain the positive image they hold about themselves. However, the reality is that they are actually very insecure and fragile. This is why they are manipulative, cruel, and abusive towards other people.

Narcissists Live in a Make-Believe World

Narcissists construct a fictional world around themselves that is rootless and very fragile. Since they are a false self this is not a very good defense against the reality that the narcissist is desperate to hide.

When their defense mechanisms of superiority become fractured in any way, all of the narcissist’s true pathological feelings of shame come pouring in.

They can’t take it.

The facade comes down and we see them for what they really are: terrified, hysterical, needy, psychotic, paranoid, delusional, and consumed



Candace Ranee

Candace studied Sociology at Bowling Green State University. She is a writer and a DV Survivor