The Narcissists Rage isn’t About You

Candace Ranee
4 min readSep 21, 2021
Image By Ollyy From Shutterstock

The most frightening part of my abusive relationship was when I had to walk on eggshells, wondering when my former partner was going to rage again. Anything could cause him to explode into a psychotic tirade of screaming and character assassination. It was usually following a narcissistic injury caused by a perceived criticism or judgment. It most often happened when I set boundaries on him or when I attempted to hold him accountable for stealing money for his crack cocaine and male prostitute addiction. Either scenario was absolutely terrifying because these rages could last anywhere from five hours to an entire day.

During the rage, he had rules for me. I was to sit down while he stood over me and angrily paced the living room like a caged lion contemplating his next attack. I was not permitted to say one word in my own defense and I better not dare point out that his underground debased sexual proclivities were the true problem. I was to be silent and take it. If I moved or twitched my hands in a trauma response that aggravated him more and he would scream furiously for me to stop twitching. I was his prisoner until he decided I could go free and when he was done ripping me to shreds with his vile name-calling and obscene assault on my personality.

There was no topic off-limits to this man when he was raging at me. Everything was open to his cruel…



Candace Ranee
Candace Ranee

Written by Candace Ranee

Candace studied Sociology at Bowling Green State University. She is a writer and a DV Survivor

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